Monday, March 24, 2008

Moving right along...

Whoops...guess I'm still not doing so great on keeping this thing updated. *blush*

We're all just chugging along here. I got a new sewing machine for my birthday, though I didn't actually get it until the 17th. I finally had a chance to sit down and play with it this weekend - I wanted to wait until I had a desk just for sewing at so I didn't have all of my stuff spread out on the dining room table. So far, I love it!

We got baby girl's room painted this week and it's beautiful! My mom came down to visit and brought her carpet cleaning system, so she cleaned the carpet in the baby's room and our living room. We went out and bought the baby's crib this weekend as well, and hopefully I'll be able to get the hubby to help me put it together this week so I can decide how I want to actually arrange the room.

I also got a new laptop this weekend. Sadly, my old laptop has met an untimely end. Oh, it's still functional, but using it is no longer practical. The plastic was cracking near the lid hinges, and finally cracked off enough so that the lid had to either be held or propped up on something. I'd been planning on getting a new laptop in a few months anyway, though, so it's all good.

There's really not a whole heck of a lot else going on in our little household. The baby is due in a little over six weeks, so we're mostly just preparing for that. It seems like there's still so much I want to accomplish before that time, but it's mostly just the whole nesting thing kicking in and most of what I want to do isn't that big of a deal and can just as easily be done after the baby is born.

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