Sunday, March 02, 2008

A fresh start.

I started this blog a long time ago....but I never really kept up with it. It was intended as a companion to my website, but that didn't end up working out the way I wanted.

After four years, I made the decision a few weeks ago to shut down my website. Kind of a painful decision, because I really liked having it, but I just no longer have the time to keep up with it the way I wanted....the way I did when I first started it back in 2004.

So, I'm making a fresh attempt at this blog thing. I'm not really sure what direction it will take, or if it will take any sort of specific direction at all. But I still feel a need to have some little corner of the web that I can claim as all mine, so, here I am.

So, I deleted the few entries I did have on here in an effort to keep things streamlined.

And with that, I suppose I should introduce myself a bit. As you can see to the right, I'm Stacy. I'm 24, but that'll change in a week. Yup, 25 is quickly approaching! I live in Charlotte, NC, with my little family, which consists of my husband, Jake; our son, Noah; and our two cats, Riley and Kasey.

Jake and I have been married for five years now, and what a crazy five years they've been! We were both in the military (Air Force for me, Army for him) when we met and got married. We both separated from our respective branches in 2005 and moved here to Charlotte so that Jake could pursue his dream of being a police officer. He graduated from the police academy in July 2006 and has been loving the job ever since.

In January 2006, we learned we were expecting our first child. Noah was born on September 16, 2006, and he has been such a joy to us. He's such a curious little boy, and VERY active! He constantly brings a smile to our faces and we just love him to pieces.

Just after Noah's first birthday, we learned that, oops, baby #2 was on the way! It looks like we're having a little girl this time around, and I'm thrilled. I've always wanted to have a boy and a girl, so I think it's pretty cool that I'm actually getting what I wanted! Baby girl is due in a little less than ten weeks, and we still don't have a name picked out for her....but we're making some progress in that department. I'm nervous at the prospect of having two children under the age of two, but I'm sure I'll manage.

Let's see here, what else? I'm a stay at home mom currently. In a couple of years, I'm hoping to continue my college education so that by the time the kiddos are both in school, I can at least be close to have some sort of degree. I love being a stay at home mom, but I think once the kids are in school, I'll want something more to do with my day while they're gone!

I'm a fairly simple person. I enjoy spending time on the internet, watching my favorite TV shows, reading, playing World of Warcraft and The Sims 2, and sewing. Sadly, I haven't been able to sew lately because my current machine is a piece of crap, but I'm holding out hope that Jake will follow through on his promise to get me a new machine for my birthday. Oh, and of course I love just doing whatever with Jake and Noah.

Well, I suppose that's all for now. If there's anything in particular you'd like to see me blog about, don't be bashful, leave a comment! I love feedback!

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