Friday, April 26, 2013


Back in February, we said goodbye to Charlotte.

Now, I never cared much about Charlotte itself. Having moved around so much when I was younger, I just don't get all that attached to places (though I do still miss good ol' Prior Lake, MN). However, we were doing good in Charlotte. Jake had a stable job, I was going back to school. We bought our first house; Noah started kindergarten last fall and had a WONDERFUL teacher. We had some fabulous friends.

Things occurred last fall that forced Jake to resign from the police department. I won't get into the specifics here, because I could probably write a novel about it. The day after he unofficially resigned, he started the process to rejoin the Army (for anyone stumbling upon this who wouldn't know our history, when Jake and I met, he was in the Army and I was in the Air Force). It took a couple of months to get everything settled (during which time he formally resigned), but in mid January, he was sent to Fort Campbell, which is on the border of Kentucky and Tennessee.

The kids and I were able to join him at the beginning of February. I don't have much of an opinion on Tennessee yet; we haven't explored the area much because it's been pretty cold. The house we're renting is ok - it has a HUGE backyard that's fenced in, so I can send the kids and dog outside to play on nice days and not worry too much. There's a river that runs behind the property as well; we're hoping we can do some fishing there once the weather is consistently nice. Noah's new school seems to be ok, though I think he's a bit ahead of their curriculum. We didn't sell our house in Charlotte; my mom is now renting it from us.

I'm a little lonely here. I miss our friends terribly. While I was happy to find that Clarksville has a Mommies Network site here, due to the transient nature of a military town, there aren't nearly as many members as on Charlotte Mommies, and it's not as active. I'm not attending school this semester, since we moved in the middle of that. It's kind of weird to be sitting at home again after over a year of going to classes. I'll resume that in the fall once both kids are in school, though my original program plan is not going to work out now.

Anyway, I may actually start writing here again to detail our adventures in Tennessee. I have several projects I'd like to work on over the next few months, and it'd be nice to share them here. Not that anyone reads this blog or anything, but that's ok. It's been too long since I've really written as it is, so even if I'm just doing this for myself, it's a good thing. And if I happen to pick up a few readers, well, that's a good thing, too. So if you've stumbled across this, leave a comment to say hi, and feel free to ask questions or give me suggestions on things to write about!

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