These were on sale at Harris Teeter for 2/$3. I had two $0.75 coupons, and since my Harris Teeter doubles coupons every day (for values up to $0.99, anyway), I got these....for free.
Got these from CVS. Normal price for all three is $17.97; they were on sale for $3.99 each. I also had three $2 coupons to use, so after tax, I paid $6.84. However, I also got back $9 in Extra Care Bucks, so they essentially paid me $2.16 to take the polish.
These are also from CVS. Normally $2.39 there, but they were on sale for $0.99 each. I had four $1 off coupons, so I got those for free.
Also CVS scores. Normally, the products pictured would have cost me $108.86 before tax. But after sales and coupons, I paid $18.44, and earned $15.99 in ECBs, effectively only paying $2.45.
The Colgate toothpaste is from CVS. Normally $3.49 each; after sales and coupons, I paid $2.98 for both. I also earned $4 in ECBs, so they basically paid me $1.02 to take the toothpaste.
The Crest and pens are from Rite Aid. The Crest is normally $3.29; it was on sale for $2.49 and I had a $0.75 coupon, so I paid $1.74 for it. However, it was on rebate when I bought it, and the rebate amount is for...$1.74. So more free toothpaste for me! The pens are normally $3.39 each, but were on an amazing sale - three for $0.99. I had a $1 coupon, so they were free.
These are from another Rite Aid trip. The Shout is normally $3.49 each, the Pledge $4.49, and the Pert Plus $4.19 - a total of $15.66. After deducting sales and coupons, and adding taxes, I paid $5.20. However, all of those were on rebate, and I'll be getting a $5 rebate check for those. So I essentially only paid $0.20 for all of that.
And last but not least in my little show and tell...the jar of belly butter in the front there was absolutely free. I had purchased some Baby's Bliss Gripe Water for Maddy; inside the box was a form to get any Baby's Bliss or Mommy's Bliss product for free. I filled it out and chose the belly that in the mail a few days ago.
The Sunsilk and Johnson's Buddies bars were purchased at Harris Teeter. The Sunsilk would normally cost $3.99; it was marked down to $1.36. I had a coupon for $1.50, so they paid me $0.14 to take it. The soap bars are normally $0.99 each; they were on sale for $0.64 each. I had two $1 coupons, so they paid me $0.72 to take those.
To break it all down: I spent $35.39 for everything you see up there. If you deduct the ECBs and rebates I earned, I only paid $1.40 for all of that. Well, ok, plus whatever I paid in taxes that I didn't already figure in - I only listed totals after taxes when those were the only items purchased in that trip. And the retail value of everything you see is $232.57. Pretty good if I do say so myself.
That's all for tonight. More will be coming soon, though, as Harris Teeter has a triple coupon weekend coming up.
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