Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Worst. Blogger. Ever.

And almost another year goes by.

But hey, those projects that I mentioned in my post from last February?

I'm here to share one!

A couple of years ago, my mom gave me this GIANT bulletin board. It sat in our garage for awhile, because I had NO idea what to do with it. I had vague notions of using it in the sitting room of our bedroom, which was supposed to be my crafting area, but I never really got around to setting that space up properly.

When we moved here to TN, we were able to dedicate an actual room to being the office area - our office space was just half of the living room back in Charlotte. Anyway, I came up with an idea for the bulletin board finally - a good place for me to hang up important stuff so it didn't get lost in the clutter that my desk succumbs to every few days. Stuff like the kids' class newsletters, a calendar, appointment reminders...that sort of thing.

But I didn't want to hang up just a plain, boring bulletin board. I wanted to dress it up a little bit.

I chose to cover it in fabric.

 I started just trying to tuck it under the edge myself, but that didn't work out so well.
 See? The fabric got all bunched up and the frame is on there pretty tightly, so I couldn't get the edges underneath it.

So, I pinned it all the way around to help prevent the bunching. Since I didn't have much room to work with under the frame, I cut the fabric just big enough to be tucked under there. Bunching wouldn't have left enough to go all the way around.

Then, I got out an X-acto type knife to help push the fabric under the frame. Worked wonderfully!

The finished product! There are normally more papers up there, and yes, I flipped some around. Trying not to give out too much identifying information. Please don't mind the bulge in the frame at the top - that was not done during this process; it was already there.

So there you have it - covering a bulletin board with fabric. There's probably an easier way to have gone about this, but it worked out nicely for me.