Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Well, there went that idea.

There I was, thinking, "Self, you should start writing on your blog again."

And then life happened.

There's the usual, every day stuff. And then there's the unexpected.

On May 2, we received the news that my father in law had passed away. He wasn't an old man; he was only 53. He had a few health concerns, but nothing that was life threatening enough to warrant the suddenness of it all.

So, we made the trek over to eastern NC for the funeral and to start making arrangements for the estate. The four of us stayed in my father in law's house along with my brother in law, his wife, and their two sons. Though I had brought my laptop with me, things were so chaotic with eight of us in the same house (not to mention the number of visitors we had at any given time), I had no time to sit and write. We just returned home Sunday night.

Thus begins a new attempt at blogging more regularly.

Last night, I tried something new for dinner. I confess, I resort to Hamburger Helper every couple of weeks for a simple meal. I know that it's not very healthy, however, so I wanted to try a homemade version.

(Not my pot of Helper; credit to Divas Can Cook.)

I followed a recipe I found on Divas Can Cook. I modified the recipe slightly; I did not use onions or parsley, and I used more than the 2 cups of cheese called for. My husband and daughter ate it with no complaints; my son did not eat this at all (though to be fair, he won't eat pretty much anything that contains hamburger). Personally, I thought the texture of the sauce was a bit odd, and the flavor wasn't quite what I was going for. Not a bad meal overall, but I plan to make some tweaks to the recipe the next time I try it. Right now, I'm contemplating cutting down the measurements of the spices, and possibly using a different kind of cheese. I'd love to hear any suggestions on how to improve this recipe!